Megasoccer imagines the sport of football for the 21st century. Megasoccer has two goals: to increase the number of game participants and to de-standardize the rules of the game. When football was invented in the mid 19th century, our planet only had about 1.25 billion people. With over 7 billion people and two more billion expected by 2050, a new football game should be conceived to accommodate these new global citizens. The inclusion of more people requires major changes to the rules: more balls, larger goals, a bigger field, and many more alterations. With these changes Megasoccer does not aim to create a final rule set, but to allow for a constant shifting and reinterpretation of the rules, creating a more investigative, responsive and interpretive approach to playing the beautiful game. Each game will have meaning based on who played, where it is played, and how the game is structured. So far only test games have been played-the first at the Figment Festival in New York in 2009, the second at Vingis Park in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2009, the third at Igfest 2009 in Bristol, UK, the fourth in Cologne, Germany in 2010, and the fifth in Dals Langed, Sweden in 2011.